Переводы RFC (9000 – 9999)

Здесь перечислены доступные на сайте переводы документов серии RFC в порядке нумерации документов. Наклонным шрифтом выделены документы, переводы которых заимствованы с других сайтов с указанием источника.

RFC 9000 – (HTML) (PDF) – QUIC: A UDP-Based Multiplexed and Secure Transport
RFC 9001 – (HTML) (PDF) – Using TLS to Secure QUIC
RFC 9002 – (HTML) (PDF) – QUIC Loss Detection and Congestion Control
RFC 9008 – (HTML) (PDF) – Using RPI Option Type, Routing Header for Source Routes, and IPv6-in-IPv6 Encapsulation in the RPL Data Plane
RFC 9009 – (HTML) (PDF) – Efficient Route Invalidation
RFC 9010 – (HTML) (PDF) – Routing for RPL (Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks) Leaves
RFC 9020 – (HTML) (PDF) – YANG Data Model for Segment Routing
RFC 9035 – (HTML) (PDF) – A Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) Destination-Oriented Directed Acyclic Graph (DODAG) Configuration Option for the 6LoWPAN Routing Header
RFC 9040 – (HTML) (PDF) – TCP Control Block Interdependence
RFC 9061 – (HTML) (PDF) – A YANG Data Model for IPsec Flow Protection Based on Software-Defined Networking (SDN)
RFC 9063 – (HTML) (PDF) – Host Identity Protocol Architecture
RFC 9067 – (HTML) (PDF) – A YANG Data Model for Routing Policy
RFC 9097 – (HTML) (PDF) – Metrics and Methods for One-Way IP Capacity
RFC 9108 – (HTML) (PDF) – YANG Types for DNS Classes and Resource Record Types
RFC 9110 – (HTML) (PDF) – HTTP Semantics
RFC 9111 – (HTML) (PDF) – HTTP Caching
RFC 9112 – (HTML) (PDF) – HTTP/1.1
RFC 9113 – (HTML) (PDF) – HTTP/2
RFC 9114 – (HTML) (PDF) – HTTP/3
RFC 9119 – (HTML) (PDF) – Multicast Considerations over IEEE 802 Wireless Media
RFC 9127 – (HTML) (PDF) – YANG Data Model for Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD)
RFC 9129 – (HTML) (PDF) – YANG Data Model for the OSPF Protocol
RFC 9138 – (HTML) (PDF) – Design Considerations for Name Resolution Service in Information-Centric Networking (ICN)
RFC 9144 – (HTML) (PDF) – Comparison of Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA) Datastores
RFC 9147 – (HTML) (PDF) – The Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) Protocol Version 1.3
RFC 9155 – (HTML) (PDF) – Deprecating MD5 and SHA-1 Signature Hashes in TLS 1.2 and DTLS 1.2
RFC 9179 – (HTML) (PDF) – A YANG Grouping for Geographic Locations
RFC 9181 – (HTML) (PDF) – A Common YANG Data Model for Layer 2 and Layer 3 VPNs
RFC 9182 – (HTML) (PDF) – A YANG Network Data Model for Layer 3 VPNs
RFC 9195 – (HTML) (PDF) – A File Format for YANG Instance Data
RFC 9196 – (HTML) (PDF) – YANG Modules Describing Capabilities for Systems and Datastore Update Notifications
RFC 9197 – (HTML) (PDF) – Data Fields for In Situ Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (IOAM)
RFC 9232 – (HTML) (PDF) – Network Telemetry Framework
RFC 9236 – (HTML) (PDF) – Architectural Considerations of Information-Centric Networking (ICN) Using a Name Resolution Service
RFC 9243 – (HTML) (PDF) – A YANG Data Model for DHCPv6 Configuration
RFC 9244 – (HTML) (PDF) – Distributed Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Telemetry
RFC 9249 – (HTML) (PDF) – A YANG Data Model for NTP
RFC 9254 – (HTML) (PDF) – Encoding of Data Modeled with YANG in the Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR)
RFC 9257 – (HTML) (PDF) – Guidance for External Pre-Shared Key (PSK) Usage in TLS
RFC 9258 – (HTML) (PDF) – Importing External Pre-Shared Keys (PSKs) for TLS 1.3
RFC 9260 – (HTML) (PDF) – Stream Control Transmission Protocol
RFC 9273 – (HTML) (PDF) – Network Coding for Content-Centric Networking / Named Data Networking: Considerations and Challenges
RFC 9285 – (HTML) (PDF) – The Base45 Data Encoding
RFC 9291 – (HTML) (PDF) – A YANG Network Data Model for Layer 2 VPNs
RFC 9293 – (HTML) (PDF) – Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
RFC 9299 – (HTML) (PDF) – An Architectural Introduction to the Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP)
RFC 9300 – (HTML) (PDF) – The Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP)
RFC 9301 – (HTML) (PDF) – Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) Control Plane
RFC 9302 – (HTML) (PDF) – Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) Map-Versioning
RFC 9303 – (HTML) (PDF) – Locator/ID Separation Protocol Security (LISP-SEC)
RFC 9304 – (HTML) (PDF) – Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP): Shared Extension Message and IANA Registry for Packet Type Allocations
RFC 9305 – (HTML) (PDF) – Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) Generic Protocol Extension
RFC 9306 – (HTML) (PDF) – Vendor-Specific LISP Canonical Address Format (LCAF)
RFC 9308 – (HTML) (PDF) – Applicability of the QUIC Transport Protocol
RFC 9314 – (HTML) (PDF) – YANG Data Model for Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD)
RFC 9315 – (HTML) (PDF) – Intent-Based Networking – Concepts and Definitions
RFC 9316 – (HTML) (PDF) – Intent Classification
RFC 9318 – (HTML) (PDF) – IAB Workshop Report: Measuring Network Quality for End-Users
RFC 9330 – (HTML) (PDF) – Low Latency, Low Loss, and Scalable Throughput (L4S) Internet Service: Architecture
RFC 9331 – (HTML) (PDF) – The Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) Protocol for Low Latency, Low Loss, and Scalable Throughput (L4S)
RFC 9332 – (HTML) (PDF) Dual-Queue Coupled Active Queue Management (AQM) for Low Latency, Low Loss, and Scalable Throughput (L4S)
RFC 9340 – (HTML) (PDF) – Architectural Principles for a Quantum Internet
RFC 9347 – (HTML) (PDF) – Aggregation and Fragmentation Mode for Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) and Its Use for IP Traffic Flow Security (IP-TFS)
RFC 9348 – (HTML) (PDF) – A YANG Data Model for IP Traffic Flow Security
RFC 9349 – (HTML) (PDF) – Definitions of Managed Objects for IP Traffic Flow Security
RFC 9350 – (HTML) (PDF) – IGP Flexible Algorithm
RFC 9351 – (HTML) (PDF) – Border Gateway Protocol – Link State (BGP-LS) Extensions for Flexible Algorithm Advertisement
RFC 9371 – (HTML) (PDF) – Registration Procedures for Private Enterprise Numbers (PENs)
RFC 9375 – (HTML) (PDF) – A YANG Data Model for Network and VPN Service Performance Monitoring
RFC 9384 – (HTML) (PDF) – A BGP Cease NOTIFICATION Subcode for Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD)
RFC 9402 – (HTML) (PDF) – Concat Notation
RFC 9403 – (HTML) (PDF) – A YANG Data Model for RIB Extensions
RFC 9406 – (HTML) (PDF) – HyStart++: Modified Slow Start for TCP
RFC 9407 – (HTML) (PDF) – Tetrys: An On-the-Fly Network Coding Protocol
RFC 9408 – (HTML) (PDF) – A YANG Network Data Model for Service Attachment Points (SAPs)
RFC 9460 – (HTML) (PDF) – Service Binding and Parameter Specification via the DNS (SVCB and HTTPS Resource Records)
RFC 9461 – (HTML) (PDF) – Service Binding Mapping for DNS Servers
RFC 9462 – (HTML) (PDF) – Discovery of Designated Resolvers
RFC 9463 – (HTML) (PDF) – DHCP and Router Advertisement Options for the Discovery of Network-designated Resolvers (DNR)
RFC 9472 – (HTML) (PDF) – A YANG Data Model for Reporting Software Bills of Materials (SBOMs) and Vulnerability Information
RFC 9476 – (HTML) (PDF) – The .alt Special-Use Top-Level Domain
RFC 9484 – (HTML) (PDF) – Proxying IP in HTTP
RFC 9498 – (HTML) (PDF) – The GNU Name System
RFC 9499 – (HTML) (PDF) – DNS Terminology
RFC 9500 – (HTML) (PDF) – Standard Public Key Cryptography (PKC) Test Keys
RFC 9501 – (HTML) (PDF) – Open Participation Principle regarding Remote Registration Fee
RFC 9503 – (HTML) (PDF) – Simple Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (STAMP) Extensions for Segment Routing Networks
RFC 9505 – (HTML) (PDF) – A Survey of Worldwide Censorship Techniques
RFC 9511 – (HTML) (PDF) – Attribution of Internet Probes
RFC 9518 – (HTML) (PDF) – Centralization, Decentralization, and Internet Standards
RFC 9519 – (HTML) (PDF) – Update to the IANA SSH Protocol Parameters Registry Requirements
RFC 9522 – (HTML) (PDF) – Overview and Principles of Internet Traffic Engineering
RFC 9533 – (HTML) (PDF) – One-Way and Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol Extensions for Performance Measurement on a Link Aggregation Group
RFC 9534 – (HTML) (PDF) – Simple Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol Extensions for Performance Measurement on a Link Aggregation Group
RFC 9542 – (HTML) (PDF) – IANA Considerations and IETF Protocol and Documentation Usage for IEEE 802 Parameters
RFC 9557 – (HTML) (PDF) – Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps with Additional Information
RFC 9564 – (HTML) (PDF) – Faster Than Light Speed Protocol (FLIP)
RFC 9567 – (HTML) (PDF) – DNS Error Reporting
RFC 9568 – (HTML) (PDF) – Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) Version 3 for IPv4 and IPv6
RFC 9583 – (HTML) (PDF) – Application Scenarios for the Quantum Internet
RFC 9587 – (HTML) (PDF) – YANG Data Model for OSPFv3 Extended Link State Advertisements (LSAs)
RFC 9606 – (HTML) (PDF) – DNS Resolver Information
RFC 9608 – (HTML) (PDF) – No Revocation Available for X.509 Public Key Certificates

Дата обновления 20.07.2024